Divi 5 Progress Update: Presets, Scroll Effects, View Modes & More

Posted on July 3, 2024 by 8 Comments

Divi 5 Progress Update: Presets, Scroll Effects, View Modes & More
Blog / General News / Divi 5 Progress Update: Presets, Scroll Effects, View Modes & More
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I’m back with another Divi 5 progress update. First, if you want to test the latest version of Divi 5, including the recent updates I’ll highlight in this post, head to demo.elegantthemes.com and take it for a spin. We update the demo every two weeks and welcome your feedback. Keep reading to discover what’s new in the demo and what we accomplished over the past month.

Try The Divi 5 Demo

Get all the details in the video below. 👇

What We Accomplished

We crossed a few important milestones over the past month, knocking off 4 features from the shrinking list of features we must complete before launching the Public Alpha.

Divi Presets

This month’s most significant accomplishment was wrapping up Divi Presets, a big and important milestone.

In Divi 5, presets work much faster, resulting in less CSS output. That’s because, in Divi 5, they are class-based, with a single preset class shared between modules. Not only does this result in a smaller page size on the front end, but it also means that updating modules that use presets in the Visual Builder is way faster since the app only needs to rerender the single style tag shared between all modules.

It’s a night and day difference, and once again, we are using Divi 5 as an opportunity to focus on performance.

Scroll Effects

Next, we finished implementing Scroll Effects, which was another complex feature and a nice hurdle to jump over. You can do a lot of fun stuff with Scroll Effects, so if you’re checking out the demo, give them a try.

Condition Options

We also finished implementing all remaining Condition Options, which allow you to hide and display modules based on various conditions, such as user role, logged-in status, date and time, and so on.

Responsive Views

Finally, we wrapped up Divi 5’s responsive view mode system, which includes a nice little change. Divi 5 allows you to zoom in and out while any responsive view mode is active. It’s a great way to get a bird’s eye view of your design, making it easier to drag items long distances.

In Divi 5, when your canvas is too small to hold your design within the current minimum viewport width, the canvas will automatically zoom out and scale your page to fit the available space instead of switching between view modes unwantedly. This means you can work on any breakpoint, even if your screen isn’t wide enough or your docked panels have reduced the canvas width.

Divi 5 Public Alpha Roadmap

With these features completed, let’s revisit the Divi 5 roadmap. The video above shows a bird’s eye view of the internal roadmap we use to track our progress. On the right is everything we have finished so far. In the middle, you can see what our team is working on during the current sprint, and on the left are the things we need to finish before the Public Alpha goes live.

This is where we stand currently.

Divi Dash Sneak Peak

Next, I have a little sneak peek to share. As I mentioned in previous updates, when we started down the long road of Divi 5 development, we knew we couldn’t keep building features for Divi 4. Every new Divi 4 feature would need to be recreated in Divi 5, resulting in a never-ending roadmap. So, we moved our entire Divi development team to Divi 5 and put a feature freeze on Divi 4. Specifically, we put a feature freeze on the builder, which is being recreated from the ground up.

However, going silent and not iterating for multiple years was unreasonable. We invested in our team, hired more developers, and set out to work on new projects that could help bridge the gap. Working on these small and alternative projects keeps the team nimble and provides the community with value while Divi 5 development continues.

One of those projects is nearly finished and is called Divi Dash.

Divi Dash is a WordPress site manager that helps you sprint through maintenance tasks. You can add all your websites to Divi Dash and easily log into them with a single click. You can manage updates across all your sites, create custom update schedules, manage themes and plugins, users, and more.

We will be adding many great features to Divi Dash, and it will be free for all Divi customers, included with your Divi membership. Stay tuned for that new service launching within the next month or two if all goes well. 🤞

Divi Quick Sites

Also, in case you missed it, we just launched a new feature called Divi Quick Sites, which empowers you to automatically generate and set up an entire Divi website in one to two minutes. You can make a website with AI or choose from a collection of hand-crafted starter sites.

Divi Quick Sites generates pages, creates custom layouts, writes content, generates images, and then sets up your entire site, including your menu, Theme Builder templates, Theme Customizer settings, and Divi Presets. It’s the fastest, easiest way to get a stunning WordPress website up and running in no time.

Get 47% For A Limited Time

Stay Tuned For More Updates

That’s all for this month’s progress report. Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to follow us by email and subscribe to our YouTube channel to ensure you don’t miss a thing. Divi 5 is a vast project, but I’ll be back monthly to inform you of our progress. If you haven’t already done so, check out the Divi 5 demo and let us know your thoughts!


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  1. Please, please, please I just want to understand when the final release could be ready, not exactly, but approximately ! October? December? March 25? June 25?

  2. Awesome announcement. Really great.

  3. Hi team!!,
    Congratulations on the progress of Divi 5, I haven’t seen the roadmap, but have you considered using SVG for logos with this update?

    Thank you.

    • You can use SVG logos now by using the ”SVG Support” plugin, or other SVG enabling plugins. I’ve been using SVG for logos and other image elements in Divi for years now.

  4. Glad to see that you have implemented some of my bugs and reports, even if you don’t want to publish my comments under blog posts, I’ll keep trying anyway. In the meantime, have you set up a way to report bugs?

    Divi Dash is definitely very nice and is definitely one more reason to create new pages with divi again in the future. Report emails would still be a very useful and important function.

    Apart from that I have another question, will there be a possibility of an in-house solution to switch from divi 4 to divi 5 in a staging environment in advance? Otherwise the effort and risk will be very high. Do you have any plans or solutions?

  5. The demo is very promising. We can already see a few new functionalities which were missing in Divi 4 and it’s fast, really fast.
    Besides, the Divi Dash seems to be a very interesting feature.
    Good job guys. Looking forward to be able to update all my customers’ websites to Divi 5!

  6. I’m really looking forward to Divi Dash. It could be a good alternative to “The Hub” from WPMU DEV or MainWP!

  7. test comment

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